Sunday, October 12, 2008

Work week and Weekend

This week was the first full week with all the workers and we got a lot done. I wish I could post some pictures, but it isn't possible. I fell off a roof because I was trying to jump from one ledge to another and hurt my arm. Then I re-injured it, stupidly, playing soccer the next day. Nothing is broken- but it is sore. So now, the hall below the church is painted white, almost all the roofs are painted, an education building is getting a first coat, and two other classrooms are painted. This week we will be working on sanding the inside of the church and polyurethaning it. The pews will also be taken out and refinished.

I am growing a beard - two weeks and it's really coming along. I'm impressed with how manly I am. This weekend, like all the other weekends, we went back to our flat. On Friday, we went out to an awesome seafood place (my favorite here so far). Then, I went over to the ladies flat and hung out for an hour or so. Saturday I volunteered some time at the orphanage and studied for MCATs, but ran out of notecards and motivation. I might have to cut up some paper and fashion my own set.

We were all set to vote with our absentee ballots, but I read the wrong email with instructions and now we do not have the proper information on the ballots. My dad is upset-

Other than that, the weather is good- now it is getting hot. I am learning Xhosa- well just 'follow me', 'good work', 'I am fine', 'How are you?', 'sit down' etc. Some work words mixed with some words for children.

Hope all is well there-

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