Wednesday, October 8, 2008

If you give a Mouse a Cookie....

....he will ask for a glass of milk.

Refer to me as 'boss'. I am da bossman. This whole week, thusfar, I have been supervising the workers and the language barrier is the most difficult and frustrating part. They want to please, so they say 'okay' and 'alright' to everything, even if they have no clue what you just said- which is almost always the case. We are getting a lot done- mostly painting, but that makes the place look so much better.

Switching topics, food here is not so good. A little taste of our menu if you will:

Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Noodles
Sausages and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice

etc. etc...

I've had enough chicken and rice to last me a lifetime.

The best part of Africa, or Africans, I should say is the singing and music. My gosh, in church the singing would lift the spirits of even the most depressed person. I wish I had some recording equipment because I have not been able to find music like this on the internet. I wish you all could hear it.

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