Monday, October 27, 2008

De a funa sebenza apha

I want you to work here.

Today, I learned a lot of phrases in Xhosa. I am really trying to learn all the words and phrases with the most clicks in an attempt to impress people when I go back home. And I know they will all be impressed. My parents and I worked about 10 hours today-but I am learning a lot of skills that I will be able to use later in my life.

Sat and Sun we worked with an Austrian boy named Mathis, helping out a family who had needed some minor repairs done to their house. Sat night I went over to some Scottish girls flat with Nina and we all watched Harry Potter II and ate pasta- I had a good time. I have a lot of good pictures to show when I get back and am sure there will be at least 1000 more- seriously.

I'm sorry to miss Halloween and pumpkin carving- but that will make next year that much sweeter! I wonder if they have corn mazes here....

Today, I also learned of school shootings at a university that two of my African friends attend. They are ok- but it made me think of April 16 again. What's really weird is, I was at that school on Friday. When I heard- I felt great deal of saddness.

Anyways, it was a long day- and tomorrow is approaching. OHHH- I heard Ben and Anna got engaged and i think everyone is in agreement when I say finally and congrats! I am very happy for them. So if you read this and know them- tell them i said so, please.

Tyrod and Sean are out, I read. Unfortunate. I greatly look forward to next season- Season tickets anyone? ....David?

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