Monday, October 6, 2008

It's still cold

Cloudy weather here sucks because that means no hot water. Actually, today there isn't any water. I'm tired. We had a good weekend in Mthatha- I had a fun time with the girls and, again, went down to volunteer at the orphanage. It still is very cold, which is a little annoying because I didn't pack but a few warm clothes. We have 11 workers now. I am glad we are able to kill two birds with one stone- one: helping people find jobs and earn a little rand two: getting the job done faster. Managing is a challenge because the work ethic is very different that what we are used to- but it's good for me. I'll build some character. booyah.

There are some birds here that make a sound like crack-babies crying and I would have no problem with that species becoming extinct...

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