Monday, October 20, 2008

Polyurethane and Weed

I have warned one of our workers not to smoke weed. I told him in English and, just to make sure, I got another worker to tell him in Xhosa. Today, I smelled it on him- so I fired him. It's the first time I have ever fired someone.

Anyways, we have completely sanded the church and have now completed two coates of polyurethane. It will need a third, but looks greatly improved. We have a lot of the workers painting the outside of the priest's house. It also looks a lot better cream than pink-purple. After this week only two more weeks left until we travel a bit. The plan is to go to Cape town and around the Western Cape to Durban and fly from there to Joberg- to Paris- to Dulles- to Don Pablo's- to Home- to sleep.

Weather is still weird. It's warm one minute and cold another. Today was the first day I sported shorts and revealed my white chicken legs. I still hang out with girls, well mainly a Swiss girl, Nina, on weekends. She is funny as well as fun, so I am having a good time.

Arm still hurts- so I can't do my pushups, which sucks cause I don't want to lose my huge muscles. Actually, I can't do much of anything- it sucks.

On Sun we went to Port St. Johns, which was very small but still beautiful. I have some good pictures! I drove on the way back and I think readjusting to driving on the right-handside will be weird. Even in movies when they drive on the right I think it looks odd.

I saw that VT lost to BC- what's new? Hopefully, we can pull it out over FSU and get back to the top of the Conference. But, 5-2 on what's supposed to be a bad year isn't bad. TTFN

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