Monday, October 27, 2008
De a funa sebenza apha
I want you to work here.
Today, I learned a lot of phrases in Xhosa. I am really trying to learn all the words and phrases with the most clicks in an attempt to impress people when I go back home. And I know they will all be impressed. My parents and I worked about 10 hours today-but I am learning a lot of skills that I will be able to use later in my life.
Sat and Sun we worked with an Austrian boy named Mathis, helping out a family who had needed some minor repairs done to their house. Sat night I went over to some Scottish girls flat with Nina and we all watched Harry Potter II and ate pasta- I had a good time. I have a lot of good pictures to show when I get back and am sure there will be at least 1000 more- seriously.
I'm sorry to miss Halloween and pumpkin carving- but that will make next year that much sweeter! I wonder if they have corn mazes here....
Today, I also learned of school shootings at a university that two of my African friends attend. They are ok- but it made me think of April 16 again. What's really weird is, I was at that school on Friday. When I heard- I felt great deal of saddness.
Anyways, it was a long day- and tomorrow is approaching. OHHH- I heard Ben and Anna got engaged and i think everyone is in agreement when I say finally and congrats! I am very happy for them. So if you read this and know them- tell them i said so, please.
Tyrod and Sean are out, I read. Unfortunate. I greatly look forward to next season- Season tickets anyone? ....David?
Today, I learned a lot of phrases in Xhosa. I am really trying to learn all the words and phrases with the most clicks in an attempt to impress people when I go back home. And I know they will all be impressed. My parents and I worked about 10 hours today-but I am learning a lot of skills that I will be able to use later in my life.
Sat and Sun we worked with an Austrian boy named Mathis, helping out a family who had needed some minor repairs done to their house. Sat night I went over to some Scottish girls flat with Nina and we all watched Harry Potter II and ate pasta- I had a good time. I have a lot of good pictures to show when I get back and am sure there will be at least 1000 more- seriously.
I'm sorry to miss Halloween and pumpkin carving- but that will make next year that much sweeter! I wonder if they have corn mazes here....
Today, I also learned of school shootings at a university that two of my African friends attend. They are ok- but it made me think of April 16 again. What's really weird is, I was at that school on Friday. When I heard- I felt great deal of saddness.
Anyways, it was a long day- and tomorrow is approaching. OHHH- I heard Ben and Anna got engaged and i think everyone is in agreement when I say finally and congrats! I am very happy for them. So if you read this and know them- tell them i said so, please.
Tyrod and Sean are out, I read. Unfortunate. I greatly look forward to next season- Season tickets anyone? ....David?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Polyurethane and Weed
I have warned one of our workers not to smoke weed. I told him in English and, just to make sure, I got another worker to tell him in Xhosa. Today, I smelled it on him- so I fired him. It's the first time I have ever fired someone.
Anyways, we have completely sanded the church and have now completed two coates of polyurethane. It will need a third, but looks greatly improved. We have a lot of the workers painting the outside of the priest's house. It also looks a lot better cream than pink-purple. After this week only two more weeks left until we travel a bit. The plan is to go to Cape town and around the Western Cape to Durban and fly from there to Joberg- to Paris- to Dulles- to Don Pablo's- to Home- to sleep.
Weather is still weird. It's warm one minute and cold another. Today was the first day I sported shorts and revealed my white chicken legs. I still hang out with girls, well mainly a Swiss girl, Nina, on weekends. She is funny as well as fun, so I am having a good time.
Arm still hurts- so I can't do my pushups, which sucks cause I don't want to lose my huge muscles. Actually, I can't do much of anything- it sucks.
On Sun we went to Port St. Johns, which was very small but still beautiful. I have some good pictures! I drove on the way back and I think readjusting to driving on the right-handside will be weird. Even in movies when they drive on the right I think it looks odd.
I saw that VT lost to BC- what's new? Hopefully, we can pull it out over FSU and get back to the top of the Conference. But, 5-2 on what's supposed to be a bad year isn't bad. TTFN
Anyways, we have completely sanded the church and have now completed two coates of polyurethane. It will need a third, but looks greatly improved. We have a lot of the workers painting the outside of the priest's house. It also looks a lot better cream than pink-purple. After this week only two more weeks left until we travel a bit. The plan is to go to Cape town and around the Western Cape to Durban and fly from there to Joberg- to Paris- to Dulles- to Don Pablo's- to Home- to sleep.
Weather is still weird. It's warm one minute and cold another. Today was the first day I sported shorts and revealed my white chicken legs. I still hang out with girls, well mainly a Swiss girl, Nina, on weekends. She is funny as well as fun, so I am having a good time.
Arm still hurts- so I can't do my pushups, which sucks cause I don't want to lose my huge muscles. Actually, I can't do much of anything- it sucks.
On Sun we went to Port St. Johns, which was very small but still beautiful. I have some good pictures! I drove on the way back and I think readjusting to driving on the right-handside will be weird. Even in movies when they drive on the right I think it looks odd.
I saw that VT lost to BC- what's new? Hopefully, we can pull it out over FSU and get back to the top of the Conference. But, 5-2 on what's supposed to be a bad year isn't bad. TTFN
Monday, October 13, 2008
Isn't It?
Jake Schisler- I don't know if you remember the people here always saying isn't it at the end of their sentences. It's the most random thing. They will say, " But you painted that, isn't it?" It's almost a substitute for 'havent you', or 'right'. You can also explain something to them, like a painting technique and their response is 'isn't it'. Strange.
It's funny- yesterday I was at an outlying church and I look over to the lady sitting next to me who was...................breast feeding her baby and her boob was hanging right out of her shirt the entire time. RIGHT NEXT TO ME! Oh my gosh, I felt so awkward. The baby wasn't even young- he could walk and was eating an apple. talk about gross. I mean if she was hot.... nawww. The funny part was, no one else seemed to be fazed by it- it was like it was a normal thing. All the older ladies were making guchi guchi goo faces that the suckling babe.
Anyways, I got a girlfriend proposal from a 14 year old. Needless to say, I am a stud here. It's surprising, I have a 23 year old friend named Simba who is dating and 'in love' with a 16 year old. BUT the whole culture is different because of AIDS and the promiscuity among the people. He said if he went after a girl any older she would be "lucky to not have a baby." And it's true. Today, I saw a young girl- school age- with a baby. Almost all the young women have a baby attached to their back. It's crazy.
Well, it's 9:05 pm here and that means it is almost my bedtime. I go to sleep so early- it is like I am an adult... oh wait I am....sort of.
until next time.
It's funny- yesterday I was at an outlying church and I look over to the lady sitting next to me who was...................breast feeding her baby and her boob was hanging right out of her shirt the entire time. RIGHT NEXT TO ME! Oh my gosh, I felt so awkward. The baby wasn't even young- he could walk and was eating an apple. talk about gross. I mean if she was hot.... nawww. The funny part was, no one else seemed to be fazed by it- it was like it was a normal thing. All the older ladies were making guchi guchi goo faces that the suckling babe.
Anyways, I got a girlfriend proposal from a 14 year old. Needless to say, I am a stud here. It's surprising, I have a 23 year old friend named Simba who is dating and 'in love' with a 16 year old. BUT the whole culture is different because of AIDS and the promiscuity among the people. He said if he went after a girl any older she would be "lucky to not have a baby." And it's true. Today, I saw a young girl- school age- with a baby. Almost all the young women have a baby attached to their back. It's crazy.
Well, it's 9:05 pm here and that means it is almost my bedtime. I go to sleep so early- it is like I am an adult... oh wait I am....sort of.
until next time.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Work week and Weekend
This week was the first full week with all the workers and we got a lot done. I wish I could post some pictures, but it isn't possible. I fell off a roof because I was trying to jump from one ledge to another and hurt my arm. Then I re-injured it, stupidly, playing soccer the next day. Nothing is broken- but it is sore. So now, the hall below the church is painted white, almost all the roofs are painted, an education building is getting a first coat, and two other classrooms are painted. This week we will be working on sanding the inside of the church and polyurethaning it. The pews will also be taken out and refinished.
I am growing a beard - two weeks and it's really coming along. I'm impressed with how manly I am. This weekend, like all the other weekends, we went back to our flat. On Friday, we went out to an awesome seafood place (my favorite here so far). Then, I went over to the ladies flat and hung out for an hour or so. Saturday I volunteered some time at the orphanage and studied for MCATs, but ran out of notecards and motivation. I might have to cut up some paper and fashion my own set.
We were all set to vote with our absentee ballots, but I read the wrong email with instructions and now we do not have the proper information on the ballots. My dad is upset-
Other than that, the weather is good- now it is getting hot. I am learning Xhosa- well just 'follow me', 'good work', 'I am fine', 'How are you?', 'sit down' etc. Some work words mixed with some words for children.
Hope all is well there-
I am growing a beard - two weeks and it's really coming along. I'm impressed with how manly I am. This weekend, like all the other weekends, we went back to our flat. On Friday, we went out to an awesome seafood place (my favorite here so far). Then, I went over to the ladies flat and hung out for an hour or so. Saturday I volunteered some time at the orphanage and studied for MCATs, but ran out of notecards and motivation. I might have to cut up some paper and fashion my own set.
We were all set to vote with our absentee ballots, but I read the wrong email with instructions and now we do not have the proper information on the ballots. My dad is upset-
Other than that, the weather is good- now it is getting hot. I am learning Xhosa- well just 'follow me', 'good work', 'I am fine', 'How are you?', 'sit down' etc. Some work words mixed with some words for children.
Hope all is well there-
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
If you give a Mouse a Cookie....
....he will ask for a glass of milk.
Refer to me as 'boss'. I am da bossman. This whole week, thusfar, I have been supervising the workers and the language barrier is the most difficult and frustrating part. They want to please, so they say 'okay' and 'alright' to everything, even if they have no clue what you just said- which is almost always the case. We are getting a lot done- mostly painting, but that makes the place look so much better.
Switching topics, food here is not so good. A little taste of our menu if you will:
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Noodles
Sausages and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
etc. etc...
I've had enough chicken and rice to last me a lifetime.
The best part of Africa, or Africans, I should say is the singing and music. My gosh, in church the singing would lift the spirits of even the most depressed person. I wish I had some recording equipment because I have not been able to find music like this on the internet. I wish you all could hear it.
Refer to me as 'boss'. I am da bossman. This whole week, thusfar, I have been supervising the workers and the language barrier is the most difficult and frustrating part. They want to please, so they say 'okay' and 'alright' to everything, even if they have no clue what you just said- which is almost always the case. We are getting a lot done- mostly painting, but that makes the place look so much better.
Switching topics, food here is not so good. A little taste of our menu if you will:
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Noodles
Sausages and Rice
Chicken and Rice
Chicken and Rice
etc. etc...
I've had enough chicken and rice to last me a lifetime.
The best part of Africa, or Africans, I should say is the singing and music. My gosh, in church the singing would lift the spirits of even the most depressed person. I wish I had some recording equipment because I have not been able to find music like this on the internet. I wish you all could hear it.
Monday, October 6, 2008
It's still cold
Cloudy weather here sucks because that means no hot water. Actually, today there isn't any water. I'm tired. We had a good weekend in Mthatha- I had a fun time with the girls and, again, went down to volunteer at the orphanage. It still is very cold, which is a little annoying because I didn't pack but a few warm clothes. We have 11 workers now. I am glad we are able to kill two birds with one stone- one: helping people find jobs and earn a little rand two: getting the job done faster. Managing is a challenge because the work ethic is very different that what we are used to- but it's good for me. I'll build some character. booyah.
There are some birds here that make a sound like crack-babies crying and I would have no problem with that species becoming extinct...
There are some birds here that make a sound like crack-babies crying and I would have no problem with that species becoming extinct...
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